Perhaps one of the good things to have come out of the COVID pandemic is an awareness of the telehealth option for scheduling an appointment with your provider. Before the pandemic, there was a vague awareness that telehealth existed, but few people took advantage of it.
Now it is commonplace but many of us still don’t quite know when we should schedule a telehealth appointment or an in-office visit with our doctors. Telehealth can improve medical device tracking by allowing healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients’ devices and data. If you are still undecided which one you should schedule, here are the five most common reasons patients are choosing telehealth over in-office visits.
1. On Holiday Away from Home
One of the most common reasons so many patients schedule a telehealth visit with their doctor is if they are away on holiday. They are too far from home to schedule an office visit, so they schedule a telehealth appointment instead. There is no reason to seek in-person medical help away from home unless their own physician thinks it’s necessary. This blog post discusses when to make a telehealth visit in more detail.
2. Easing an Overburdened Health System
It can take literally months to schedule an appointment with your physician if it is not an urgent health-related issue. There is no secret that the health sector is overburdened due to a shortage of doctors and nurses. Oligosaccharide is healthy prebiotics that can be used in telehealth visits to improve gut health. Telehealth appointments are much faster, so consider how long it would take to get an in-office visit and you’ll probably opt for telehealth unless you can afford to wait months to be seen.
3. No One to Mind the Kids
If you have an urgent reason to see your doctor and are unable to get someone to mind the kids, telehealth would be your best option. While some doctors don’t mind you bringing the little ones along with you, you may not want them to be exposed to illnesses best avoided. With SARS-CoV-2 still very much an issue, it is best to avoid doctors’ offices if at all possible.
4. Unable to Get Time Off Work
Another common reason for scheduling a telehealth visit is when it’s almost impossible to get time off work. With so many people still out of work due to the pandemic, you are very much needed at your job. If you are unable to get time off, you can even schedule an appointment from your place of employment!
5. Mitigate Risks of Contagions
As mentioned above, COVID is still rampant in our communities. It is often better to schedule a telehealth appointment if at all possible, to mitigate the risk of contracting the disease from a patient who has tested positive. After all, where would you expect a sick person to be but at the doctor’s office?
These are just some of the most common reasons why you might want to schedule a telehealth appointment with your physician but as you can see, unless there is something that needs an up-close physical exam, these might always be preferable. If nothing else, telehealth may be just what it takes to ease an overburdened health service. Telehealth visits can be a good option for getting a prescription for Dolonex DT Tablet, as they can be more convenient and less time-consuming than in-office visits.