Pets Take Care

5 Pets to Take Care of In College

When students transfer from high school to college, they move to new cities, say goodbye to friends, and require some adjustment time. According to studies, having a pet makes it simpler for people to overcome challenges in life. Caring for a pet can help you start a new life by giving you a sense of purpose and responsibility. It develops a positive impact on their overall well-being. There are many easy pets to take care of in college. Some of them are listed below:

1. Bunnies

Lagomorpha, a group of tiny animals, includes bunnies (rabbits). Rabbits don’t need much space and may be kept in a cage comfortably, unlike some other pets. College students love having rabbits as pets because they are:

  • Tidy
  • Easy to housebreak
  • Affectionate

A noisy pet that can generate a commotion is not something a student would want. Because they are quiet, rabbits won’t bother your housemates. Rabbits are excellent friends because they have domesticated tendencies that make them at ease with people. They come in various shapes, sizes, hues, textures, and fur lengths. Basic healthcare facilities for pets include regular checkups, vaccinations, and parasite control. Once it gets to know you, your rabbit will always be happy to see you and enjoy your company. Students will select the best breed of rabbit to keep as a pet because there are many different varieties.

2. Turtles

Hermit crabs are less social than turtles but also need more care. Do you want a pet so you and your friends can bond more easily as students? Then, it might be a wise compromise. Turtles can be allowed to leave their tanks and roam the dorm. A well-behaved turtle won’t become alarmed when petted or held. Because turtles are resilient animals, taking care of them requires less training. 

Some turtle species are more social, eager to engage in food hunting, and active. Various sizes of turtles exist. Some medium-sized alternatives can fit your dorm if you want a bigger one to pet. You can keep numerous little turtles in one tank if you desire. Each turtle has unique needs, of course. If you want a good place to start for beginners, think about: 

  • The painted turtle of the west
  • Typical musk turtle
  • Turtles in mud
  • Red-eared sliders

3. Hermit Crabs

Do you prefer activity levels between those of a fish and a gerbil? A hermit crab will be ideal in that case. Because they reside in aquariums, these animals use less room and create less mess. However, perfecting the tank conditions could take some time. It is important to keep an eye out for temperature and humidity variations in their habitat. Hygrometers and thermometers must be purchased. 

Given that it needs to be cleaned of pathogens, its substrate could be pricey. A tank that is both big and deep enough for crabs to burrow must be provided. Hermit crabs are still excellent pets in college for students. Once their tanks are created, you can keep multiple ones in a single cage. They exhibit intricate shell-changing, molting, and foraging behaviors. It might be fascinating. Medical device tracking can help pet owners keep track of their pet’s medical devices, such as a heart monitor or insulin pump.

4. Dogs

If you have decided to own a dog, be sure you are prepared for the huge financial commitment that comes with it. As a college student with moderate energy, you will probably want small to medium-sized low-maintenance dogs. Dogs come in a variety of personalities. While some dogs are lively, others are quite calm and reserved. 

Numerous dog breeds, such as the Borzoi, Papillon, Clumber Spaniel, Irish Wolfhound, etc., are perfect for a student’s lifestyle. Papillon dogs warmly welcome outsiders and other canines. If they weigh less than 10 pounds, most landlords will allow you to keep them in an apartment. They can live anywhere between 13 and 15 years. Papillons are consistently amiable and joyful.

The Clumber Spaniel dog breed is ideal for a local university student. A regular leash walk is appropriate for this breed of dog. They don’t make the best first impressions on strangers, but they are fiercely devoted to their owners.

5. Guinea Pigs

Caviidae is a family that includes guinea pigs. Despite popular belief, Guinea Pigs are not connected to the pig species. Instead, they are cute, tiny, and hairy pets. They resemble rabbits and are comfortable to pet. In essence, guinea pigs resemble enormous hamsters. They are ideal for first-time pet owners but require a larger cage. Kids that own pets remain happier and avail healthcare facilities due to greater awareness. 

Guinea pigs are self-reliant and don’t require much care and attention. Getting a pet guinea pig can be the perfect match if you are at college. They are accustomed to chilly weather and can easily adapt to confined spaces. Different personalities, from domineering to introverted, can be found in guinea pigs. 


These are a few of the most cheerful pets I have chosen for my blog to help you make well-informed decisions. You will surely enjoy spending time with them as they are easy to pet and lovable. 

Author’s Bio:

Jasmine Pope is an essay writer who creates well-researched writings on a wide range of topics. She has a lot of creative potential and understands how to make compelling content. Her passion for her job is evident in the masterpieces she creates. Her knowledge of the English language, structure, and composition is exceptional. Many people are inspired by her professionalism and work ethic.

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